Big news first - I got a new job! Nothing fancy but nicer than cleaning. In about two weeks time I will be stocking shelves and helping customers in the home-department of a larger supermarket in Jakobstad. Feels great, I've worked in a shop before and enjoyed it, plus pay is better, shifts are better (only work every third saturday) and I get a discount!
New job means I will be looking for a new flat in the new town...Hopefully a bit cheaper than this rip-off I live in at the moment. I'm pretty exited but at the same time not so thrilled about the actual packing and sorting through stuff. Perhaps a wardrobe clean-out is in order...?
New job means I will be looking for a new flat in the new town...Hopefully a bit cheaper than this rip-off I live in at the moment. I'm pretty exited but at the same time not so thrilled about the actual packing and sorting through stuff. Perhaps a wardrobe clean-out is in order...?
So this is my second summer tribute outfit - another one I never wore. Checked top is old from Halpa-halli, sunglasses and scarf from Prisma and the rest is my mum's old stuff. Dunno if I would actually feel comfortable wearing this, green-yellowish colours are not really my cup of tea normally. But hey, variation is always nice.
7 kommentarer:
That outfit looks fab on you. I'm really shy when it comes wearing colour. It's pretty much only black that I wear + blue jeans. I'm so jealous of people who dare to have colour on! And congratulations on your new job!
Thanks, although I'm actually pretty boring when it comes to colour normally, very low key dark colours like dark blue, dark red, black and brown. But I'm trying to bring some more colour into my wardrobe...
tack! :)
I like your cute "pin-upish" summer outfits:)
Katarina: Varsågod!! :)
Freelancer: Thanks a bunch! Kinda what I was going for ;)
Hey, grattis ti nya jobbet! Har int ens vetat om att du bytt jobb. Och du ska flytta till Jeppis? Jag kommer antagligen att flytta till nån av städerna i november/december. Men jag har inte ännu bestämt mig för om det blir Kokkola eller Jeppis. Men för tillfället drar Kokkola lite mera. Får se.
Tette: Sku ja ha hitta jobb i Kokkola sku ja nog hellre flyttat dit men...Hey, jeppis är ändå bättre än krombi! ;) Börjar nya jobbet på torsdag först, ska nog bli intressant. Hoppas jag.
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