
More changes!

In honour of my new life as a sewing student I have started a new blog;

(Klädkammare is swedish for wardrobe or closet so essentially it means Kitten's Closet)

Will you join me? 


This blog was never public in the sense that I haven't told my family about it or even many of my real life friends. I guess I didn't think they'd be interested. As time went on it felt more and more weird to go all "By the way, I've been blogging for the last three years and didn't tell you". But somehow studying to become a seamstress gives me the justification to be publicly interested in clothes AND blog about it even though nobody else I know does it. Anyway, remember to update your link pages if I'm on there and feel free to tell me about your blogs (preferably sewing and/or vintage related, please!) too so I can add you to my links when I get around to fixing that bit too.

See you at Kitten's Closet!

6 kommentarer:

fröken lila sa...

du, den första länken fungerar inte. men jag ska självklart följa med!

Kitten loves vintage sa...

Fröken lila; Oj, tack för att du sa till om länken, det är fixat nu :) Roligt om du vill fortsätta följa! :D

ina sa...

Haha, I know exactly what you mean about not telling anyone - quite few of my friends know about my blog and I'm always kind of scared someone will find it by mistake and be like "why didn't you tell me!? You've been doing this for years". I don't know why I'm not telling, same reasons as you I guess and also that I somehow feel a bit "nolo" over the whole blogging thing... :D

Erika sa...

Förklädet ser ut att bli snyggt! Den nya bloggen är väldigt fin, men jag måste dock vara blind... Finns det någon "Lämna kommentar"-knapp som jag inte ser (har huvudet lite under armen idag, så inte helt otroligt)?

Kul att du börjar blogga mer "offentligt" =)

Kitten von Kat sa...

Ina; Yeah, the nolo-thing is a pretty big reason for me too. Why?! I don't get it...

Erika; Tack! Du har helt rätt, när jag började se efter hittade jag inte heller någon kommentar-knapp!? Tog en bra stund innan jag fick löst problemet men NU borde det gå att kommentera! :)

The Freelancer's FashionBlog sa...

Så du skall alltså sluta blogga på denhär adressesn helt?