Check out the latest addition to my wardrobe. Man this thing was difficult to photograph, or perhaps the problem was getting it to sit right on my head...
Anyway, it was great fun to make as I sewed it mostly by hand and because it didn't take too long. It's basically a piece og thick felt, some netting and three satin roses. And a hair clip.

If I make another one I'll probably use a round base and make it so that the netting doesn't really cover my face, as it was really difficult to get it straigth and mostly just made my already small chin even smaller. Trial and error baby. It looks really pretty when not on me though. I think I'll keep it on my Jbl creature, so that I can still enjoy it. From a safe distance.
Hopefully my next project will turn out better, I bought some fake fur in a beautiful dark brown/mink colour. Now I need to figure out wether to make a stole or a more cape-like thing out of it. Hmm...
The glove in the picture is the one that turned out better out of the two I made recently. Made from the same fabric as the roses on the fascinator btw. Happy fastlagstisdag!

If I make another one I'll probably use a round base and make it so that the netting doesn't really cover my face, as it was really difficult to get it straigth and mostly just made my already small chin even smaller. Trial and error baby. It looks really pretty when not on me though. I think I'll keep it on my Jbl creature, so that I can still enjoy it. From a safe distance.

The glove in the picture is the one that turned out better out of the two I made recently. Made from the same fabric as the roses on the fascinator btw. Happy fastlagstisdag!